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A stronger heart and a stronger mind !

投稿日時:2021/07/04(日) 22:10

We are in the mist of the rainy season, and I hope everyone is doing well! 
My name is Ji Min Park, a 4th year student in the Faculty of Environmental and Information Studies. 

It only feels like a year since I joined the team, but before I knew it, I have half a year left to play in this team… So as a fourth-grader, I am coming towards the end of my time at the team… but I do still have half a year left, so not all is ending quite yet! Today was the end of the friendly spring tournament, and what a journey it was. Honestly, I feel like these past two months have been an emotional and vulnerable roller coaster, but a valuable time. Everything we experience is valuable, but especially the vulnerable times because it tests you, and it is that exact time when you grow and learn the most. There are many internal and external factors that surrounds us, so we hardly ever stay in one shape or form. So sometimes we get stretched out to a dangerous point of breaking, and sometimes we are whole and round. The key point is that we humans are capable of changing and altering throughout our entire life span, and that is completely fine cause it's only natural. This is how we grow. 

I believe that as long as no matter how hard something can feel and be, we try to think that this experience was a lesson for me, and I was able to learn something from it. Even if the road seems long with many twists and curves, moving forwards with a positive mind and attitude will bring people happiness and success. Well, I like to believe... I’m currently at the beginning of this long road, so I have much to learn and experience. So even though I may not have that much time left on the team I feel like there is so much more to learn. I’m learning so much from my douki's and kohai’s day by day, and now year by year. Our team has grown so much, and each member on the team without realising is learning and growing so much from one another, and we may not realise how much influence and effect we have on one another. I think that when there are vulnerable times where we feel uncertainty with one another, there is no point in bottling it up or to continue to feel like that, but instead to seek for advice or just simply talk about it positively to one another. I am a strong believer in things happening for a reason even though I do find myself doubting sometimes, but keeping a positive mindset. Our team will always be molding away into different shapes and forms, but I know that our team will become stronger and unified because every member on the team wants what’s best for the team. 

Now we have a week off from training, and I hope during this time we can reset out hearts and minds, so we can come back to training with a stronger and clearer mind!

We will continue to train diligently and do our best in the 3rd division!
We are always so grateful for all your love and support. 



