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In light of the recent coronavirus pandemic.

投稿日時:2020/04/05(日) 22:04

In light of the recent coronavirus pandemic the world has been chaotic and people everywhere anxious. Never did I imagine that such an event would occur in my life where I would be part of it. It is truly scary to acknowledge that you can be exposed to the virus anywhere and anytime without you knowing. An invisible poison that lurks in the shadow and broad daylight that can catch its victims without them knowing for 2 weeks is somewhat unpresidential. It is hard to watch the news as countries around that world are struggling to find aid for people in need. However, hearing that many people are stepping up to help the need makes me feel safe that we are all in this together, and the best thing we can do is to be cautious and sensible in our actions. 

With the delay of the Tokyo Olympic being pushed back a year I feel so sorry for the athletes out there who were qualified to compete in the Olympics. As a fellow athlete, I can understand the tremendous effort they must have gone through to qualify for the Olympics and training tirelessly in the upcoming Olympic. Only to be informed a few months before that it has been delayed for another year. These athletes fight every day in their training sessions, so it must have been devastating to hear that it has been delayed. I am glad to hear that the Olympic committee had announced that the athletes that have been qualified for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic will also be qualified for next year. This is only fair and right. I had read an article about crises that have occurred in the Olympics in the past. About the change of locations in different countries and postponements. The Olympic was meant to be held in Rome in 1908. However, due to the sudden eruption from Mount Vesuvius, the Olympic had to be moved to London. In 10 months London was able to prepare for the Olympics.

Europe enters War and by the time World War I broke out in July 1914, Berlin was already preparing for the 1916 Olympics. A new stadium was also built, and an inauguration parade was held in front of the German Emperor and Prussian King Wilhelm II. The New York Times predicted in December 1914 that "the war will probably have to be canceled because of the war." Eventually, the 1916 Olympics were canceled. In 1920, the Olympics resumed in Antwerp, Belgium. At the opening ceremony, pigeons were released as a symbol of peace, and the players were sworn for the first time. After that, the Olympics were held as usual for 20 years, and in 1924 the Winter Olympics began.

The IOC honored Berlin with the 1936 Olympics. It was a symbol of Germany's defeat in World War I returning to the international community. However, the rise of Adolf Hitler and banning Jewish athletes from participating in the Olympic Games have furious many countries. The boycott of the 1936 Olympics spread to the United States, Britain, France, Sweden and elsewhere.

Despite being ruined by racist propaganda, the Berlin Olympics took place as scheduled. Later, World War II broke out and the Olympics were to be suspended for more than a decade.
 Japan was supposed to hold the Summer Olympics in Tokyo and the Winter Olympics in Sapporo in 1940. However, in 1937, the Sino-Japanese War broke out, countries suggested a boycott, war costs rose, and so on, and Japan returned the right to host the Olympics.
 The IOC again considered the change of venue with Finland and Germany as candidates and eventually decided to host it in Helsinki. By 1940, however, the Soviet Union invaded Finland and the Olympics were stopped. The war involving the world lasted until 1945, and the 1944 Olympics, which were scheduled to take place in London in summer and Italy in winter, had to be canceled.

The 2020 Tokyo Olympic has been postponed and it is the first time that the Olympics have fallen into such chaos after the war, but history has seen many confusions and crises, including boycotts, bans and volcanic eruptions.

I hope that everyone will stay safe and healthy during this difficult time. Just know that this is not forever and that the situation will clear up. So stay positive and never give up!

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2020/04/05(日) 22:04
In light of the recent coronavirus pandemic.